Women In Agriculture & Rural Livelihoods
Women, Coffee and Climate
Modern Day Slavery
P/CVE Project
Migrating out of Poverty - Ethiopia
ELLA Project
The EASSRR is a bi-annual journal that serves as a forum for scholarly discourse on the social, economic, political and environmental aspects of Eastern and Southern Africa. The journal first appeared in January 1985 and has since been coming out regularly twice a year. Each issue is printed in 200 copies. Several institutions both in Africa and outside subscribe the Review.
The abstracts and TOC of each issue of the EASSRR are published online by the African Journals Online (AJOL) Project, URL (http://www.ajol.info/). Access is free to all interested users.
Starting with the January 2002 issue (vol. XVIII, no. 1), the full texts of each issue of the EASSRR is published online under Project Muse, URL (https://muse.jhu.edu/), through OSSREA’s agreement with Michigan State University. African research and educational institutions can apply to the Publisher, Johns Hopkins University (USA), to get free access to the full-text documents. Other users have to subscribe for online access to the documents.
It is also available on PROQUEST (http://www.proquest.com/) and EBSCOHOSt (https://www.ebscohost.com/).